Tuesday, October 25, 2011

            Slums are the harm of the environment. They are dirty unstable neighborhoods with unhealthy polluted water. Slums are a burden to the community by taking too much space around the city or cities. Although, the slums are not the problem, it is the economy.

Monday, October 24, 2011

       I.            Introduction
a)     Slums are the harm of the environment
b)    Slums are the dirty unstable neighborhoods with polluted water
c)     The slums can be a burden to the community by taking too much space
d)    The slums are not the problem, it’s the economy
     II.            Defendable point 1
a)     Slums aren’t the problem, it the economy
b)    With no money, trash will build and slums will rise
c)     The economy might charge too much the people can handle
d)    Unless the economy can’t straighten up, the slums will keep coming, while being unhealthy
  III.            Defendable point 2
a)     Within the slums are poor people who are forced to live in unstable houses
b)    Many people cannot afford houses
c)     So the people have to use weak wood, dirty tarps and rusty metal to make houses or shelter
d)    That’s not all, the food is inedible
  IV.            Defendable point 3
a)     No edible food can make you weak, ill, and hungry for good food
b)    Slum people must look for scraps and water (polluted)
c)     The trash everywhere makes it hard to farm
d)    So if the slums can’t help us then why do we have them]
    V.            Conclusion
a)     Slums are the harm of the environment
b)    The slums can be a to the community by taking too much space
c)     Slums are not the problem, it’s the economy, it’s not the slums fault that the economy can’t get them good food or homes for the slum people
d)    So if the slums are not tolerant, then it’s weird why we have them